ZeusX Guarantee

ZeusX Guarantee
Get Protected When You Shop With Us!
Your purchases made on the ZeusX platform are protected by us to ensure you get what you bought, or your money back.
As a buyer, you can activate ZeusX Guarantee if,
  • You did not receive your item
  • You receive and item that does not work
  • You receive a item that does not match the listing description
Ensure Smooth Transactions
Our Sellers are expected to work with Buyers to resolve issues quickly, but sometimes when an agreement cannot be reached, ZeusX will step in to help.
Important Note!
DO NOT complete the transaction or click “Good Delivery” in your transaction screen, as that would mean you have validated and accepted the trade instead. Once a transaction has been completed, it is finalized and there will be no returns/refunds.
Your Money Is Safe
Payments are not directly made to the sellers, but to ZeusX first, only upon ZeusX's approval does the payment goes to the seller.
How ZeusX Guarantee Works?
Contact the Seller to let them know that you are escalating the dispute.
Activate a Help request (bottom-right HELP button of home page) to officially begin the dispute resolution process
This will pause the 2-day auto-completion countdown timer and allow us to review your case and assist both sides on the issue. If there is a need, ZeusX will email either party to validate your claims.
Your payment remains held under ZeusX (and not paid out to the Seller) until a final decision is made by us.
Important Terms
  • The Buyer has 48 hours from the time that the item is marked as Delivered to submit a dispute under ZeusX Guarantee
  • If we do not receive any requested information/response within 7 days from the Buyer, the claim can be rejected and ZeusX Guarantee forfeited due to lack of evidence.
  • It is expected that the Buyer has tried to work out the issue with the Seller, and only activate ZeusX Guarantee as a Last Resort due to unresolved disagreement
  • Fraudulent claims (e.g. Buyer filing a chargeback after receiving their item/refund) will be subjected to legal consequences and potential suspension of your account
  • Communications out of ZeusX (e.g. Discord, Whatsapp, private emails) platform will not be considered or entertained.