Bounder Claw [Deepwoken]
📦 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!
✔️ Process :
✅ Delivery time is 3-5 minutes after I respond.
✅ Once purchased, I will provide information on where to meet up in-game.
✅ Order/s will be given via Drop.
✅ All order/s will be recorded to prevent issues of scams, to defend myself from possible false accusations, and for proof of legitimacy.
📌 Always happy to serve and provide the best products and prices for you 24/7.
📌 Your positive feedback and constructive comments are greatly appreciated. They play a crucial role in sustaining my business, and I'm genuinely thankful for your ongoing support.
📌 Don't forget to explore our store's other offerings!
⛔️ I will not entertain transactions/queries outside of this platform