✅Instant Delivery (Buy now and the account will be delivered instantly)
Details :
✅No Bot or Cheat, because account Grinded by myself
✅Ranked Ready
✅Level 50
✅30 Operators
✅28 Packs (16 Beginner Packs - 12 Alpha Packs)
✅2 x 1 Days Renown Booster - 4 x 3 Days Renown Booster - 3 x 7 Days Renown Booster - 17 x 1 Day Battle Point Boosters
✅Battle Pass Level 29 (Not Premium)
✅1 Legend Skin (Particle Sanitizer)
After purchase you will receive :
✅Email + Password for Email Access
✅Uplay and Steam ID + Pass
Notice :
✅Cross Progression Support (allows you to play the game on one platform such as Playstation, Xbox, PC and continue your progression on another)
✅Global Region (Account can be played on any region)
✅Avoid direct change region, topup local currency, or any behavior that might cause steam to ban you, we suggest to wait 2-3 months to do it