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[A572] T5 Titan Might 2.32B - Troops 66M - Mix 597 527 534 - Speed Up - Slot 4 - Sigil Armor Legs

Average Response Time: TBD

Account Information
T5 Titan Might 2.32B
Might Research 858M
Elite Lab/Gift Unblocked
Slot 4 Battle Fam
Counter Done
Sigil Armor and Legs
Troops 66M
Good Gear War and Hunt
Mix Stat 597% - 527% - 534% (No Fort No Fury)
Each Stat 706% - 700% - 692% (No Fort No Fury)
Boommeister - Chaos - Watcher Gold
CT Skin : 5
Holy Stars : 300K+
Relocator : 764
Lots of Speed Up
Scroll Migration : 5
Guild Coin : 46.9M

Link Google and Facebook

Item Type
Lords Mobile
Delivery Method
Current Account Binding
Bounded to existing email/phone
Hand-Over Method
Full Email Access
Estimated delivery time
1 Hour
Seller Review
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