✅Account Screenshot ✅
1. Acheron e0 + personal signa Velt's,
2. Himeko e2,
3. JingLiu e0,
4. FeiXiao-SIGNA
5. Boothill e0 + PERSONAL SIGN !
6. Fu Xuan e0,
7. Gepard e0,
8. Dr. Razio e0,
9. and GG [ girl ].CHARACTERS 4 stars-
1. Gallagher E6 + personal signa full,
2. Pela E5,
3. Luca E6,
4. Natasha e1,
5. Qin Qiyue e2,
6. Xueyi e6,
7. Moze e2,
8. and the rest of e0 - e4.
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