Account is already linked with a google account, after purchase, you will automatically get an email address, password and "link code" (the unijque code for login is listed in additional information).
Change your password immediately if you are already logged in.
Gold : 2.000.000
Diamond : 1800
Mileage Points : 1670
Owned Supporter : 62
Owned Weapon : 108
Armory ATK UP : 51%
Owned Chara : 9
Costume : 17 (limited : 4)
Main Quest Cleared (easy,normal,hard)
Arena Tower Cleared - Floor 75th
Arena Point : 23.459
Chara 1200 Diamond : 5
Chara 1000 Diamond : 2
Chara 800 Diamond : 2
UR. Supporter : 28
SR. Supporter : 16
UR. Weapon : 12
SR. Weapon : 42
#the game is still played until there is a purchase#