Included Items : -
1. x1 Titania Prime, x1 Vericres Fan, x1 Sugatra: Renayla
2. x70 Steel Essence
3. x225 Creds: Noras Mix 2 (can be sold for 1.125.000 credits)
4. {Warframe/Weapons Slots} Drop randomly 2-4pcs
5. {Forma} Drop randomly 7-9pcs: Forma, Forma: Aura, Umbra(Blueprint), Umbra, Stance
6. {Resources} Drop randomly 2pcs: x6.000 Cryotic, x600 Isos, x100 Thermal Sludge, x100 Voidgel Orb, x20 Diluted Thermia, x4 Riven Sliver, Archon Shard, Veiled Riven Cipher, Set: Relics(3-9)
7. {Guaranteed Resources} x15 Universal Medallion, x30 Vitus Essence, x1-x6 Titanium Extractor, x20 Corrupted Holokey, x3-x5 Clem Clone, x1-x2 Cosmic Specter
8. {Archon Mods} Drop randomly 3pcs
9. {Gold mods} Drop randomly 5-7pcs
10. {Arcanes} Drop randomly 3pcs
11. {Adapters} Drop randomly 4-9pcs
12. {Decorations} Drop randomly 58pcs: Glyph/Community Display "kahl-175", "stinax", Bust: Steadfast Dinar, Figures: Ivara, Alad V, Clem, Popcorn, Lotus, Konzu, Til Regor, Shrinker and Sol, Wukong; Warframe Model, Hull Model, Grineer Model, Compressor and Sol, Orokin Tea Set; Shawzin: Dax, Song of the Abyss, Dawn; Lua Flower Vase, Flower Decanter, Lighthouse with Text, Palm Tree: Zariman, Chlorophytum, Broadleaf Plant: Zariman, Mural: Leverian Licata