WTS Nikke GoV account
NA server
Single login level infinite pass with dummy gmail. Willing to give all data to secure the acc.
original owner
Normal Campaign 20-27
Hard Campaign 5-5
Tower Floor 124/81/81/84/9
Rookie Arena Rank 12
SP arena Diamond 9
Outpost Defense Lv.121
34 SSR Nikke
3 Pilgrim: Cinderella + Grave + Rapunzel:PG
3 limited SSR nikkes: Asuka + Rei + Mari
3 Collab SSR nikkes: Asuka + Rei + Mari
6 costume: Rapi + Asuka + Rei + Mari + Red Hood + Tove
Best Squad power is 101.460
liberation guilty cleared
liberation quency 540/3600
1 X SSR Spare body selection box
2 X 2nd Anniversary Nikke selection box
2 X Synchro expansion
7 recruit voucher
141 advanced recruit voucher
320 Silver mileage ticket
100 golden mileage ticket
99.041 Gems (worth 330 summons)
Will be played until sold