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Wraith Heirloom,Season 8 Animated master rank,S10 Master rank,143 legendry,S5+6+7+8+9+10 BP, 5394 Wraith Kills,XBOX+PSN Linkable,Lifeline Edition+Event skins

Average Response Time: TBD


The details of the account are following


✔️ Badges+legends+loadout skins video :


✔️ Wraith Heirloom Hopes Dusk
✔️ 534 Account Level
✔️ 143 Legendary skins Baller Badge unlocked
✔️ Season 10 Animated Master Glowing rank
✔️ Season 12 Master rank
✔️ 3 x Diamond rank

✔️ 10439 Total Kills
✔️ 5394 Wraith Kills
✔️ 1460 Octane Kills

✔️ Lifeline Edition
✔️ Wraith Skin: Neon Spectre
✔️ Horizon skin: Flux Capacity
✔️ Bangalore skin: Cosmic Enforcer
✔️ Crypto skin: Low Profile
✔️ Gibby skin: golden god
✔️ Wattson skin: Electric Incognito
✔️ R301 skin: Plasma Display

✔️ Season 5 BP Purchased ( MAX )
✔️ Season 6 BP Purchased ( MAX )
✔️ Season 7 BP Purchased ( MAX )
✔️ Season 8 BP Purchased ( MAX )
✔️ Season 9 BP Purchased ( 92 )
✔️ Season 10 BP Purchased ( MAX )

✔️ 4000 Damage Badge Wraith
✔️ 4000 Damage Badge Octane

✔️ Many legends have Custom Trackers ( wins, damage,kills )
✔️ Season 5 account with rare badges and event skins
✔️ Every Legends and Gun have multiple legendary skins check the pictures link for details
✔️ Alot of skydive emotes and Guns charms and epic skins of guns and legends


✔️  Access to the account
▶ Email
▶ Email Password
▶ EA User
▶ EA Password
▶ PSN linkable
▶ XBOX linkable


NOTE: Steam is unlinked, Steam will not be given

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