Click "Buy Now" on the account page to request a purchase.
Check the three items provided by the seller: 【A】 Registered email address: [email protected] (OR 【B】 Username: xxxx 【C】 Password: xxxx
After receiving the account details, log in to the game with 【A】 and 【B】 and verify there are no issues.
Visit Mihoyo website to change the password and link the email.
[] You can receive the verification codes needed for creating a login ID, changing the linked email, and changing the password by logging into the Microsoft email with 【A】 and 【C】. []
If you encounter the "Protect your account" prompt during the email login process, click "Skip for now" to bypass it.
ZeusX 거래는 어떻게 진행되나요?
계정 페이지에서 '지금 구매'를 클릭해 구매를 요청합니다.
판매자로부터 전달받은 3가지를 체크합니다. 【A】 등록된 이메일 주소 : [email protected](혹은 【B】 사용자 이름: xxxx 【C】 비밀번호: xxxx