Why Does Some Mystery Box Have Different Prices?
The reason why some mystery box have different prices is because the higher value one are more stacked then regular mystery boxes but there are chances that you could actually get a V4 Race (Tier 10) from them.
The stacked mystery box have 100% V4 Races and sometime extra V4 races
What Will The Supreme Mystery Box Have?
• Awakened Fruit
• Godhuman
• Max Level Account
• Unverified
What Can I Get As A Mystery Gift?
• V4
• Awakened Fruits
• Fruits
• Mythical Swords
• Legendary Swords
• Summon Sea Beast (Over 10M Bounty)
Why Is The Account Only $5?
The reason why the account is $5 is because you are guaranteed a max level but a v4 is very likely cause only a few out of 100s of accounts I am selling have a god like account
Wait…. Does That Mean You Are Scamming Us?
No, these accounts are for people who like to take risk and have fun unboxing their accounts.
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