Level: 40
Team: None (You can choose any team)
Stardust: 4,000,000
Legendaries: 1
1x Azelf
2000+ CPs: 193
15x Exeggutor (Alolan), 8x Muk, 7x Durant
7x Arcanine, 7x Throh, 6x Exeggutor
6x Aggron, 6x Machamp, 6x Obstagoon
6x Bouffalant, 6x Metagross, 6x Gengar
6x Barbaracle, 6x Ferrothorn, 6x Scyther
6x Klinklang, 5x Magneton, 5x Scizor
4x Bellossom, 4x Tauros, 4x Nidoking
Top 20 CPs (only the best of each species is shown)
3067 Metagross, 2769 Arcanine (Hisuian), 2672 Snorlax
2606 Aggron, 2584 Golem, 2549 Gardevoir
2528 Scizor, 2504 Machamp, 2494 Flareon
2483 Arcanine, 2478 Gengar, 2414 Exeggutor (Alolan)
2387 Obstagoon, 2383 Sceptile, 2355 Bouffalant
2322 Alakazam, 2322 Staraptor, 2315 Barbaracle
2302 Blissey, 2302 Golem (Alolan)
Shinies: 64 (30 Unique)
6x Meowth (Galarian), 6x Pineco, 5x Klink
4x Bronzor, 4x Vulpix (Alolan), 3x Chansey
3x Stunfisk (Galarian), 3x Meowth (Alolan), 3x Zigzagoon (Galarian)
3x Sandshrew (Alolan), 2x Eevee, 2x Skarmory
2x Exeggutor (Alolan), 2x Magnemite, 1x Nosepass
1x Wooper, 1x Mankey, 1x Zigzagoon
1x Machop, 1x Yungoos, 1x Vulpix
1x Jigglypuff, 1x Gastly, 1x Trapinch
1x Spearow, 1x Scyther, 1x Fletchling
1x Swirlix, 1x Diglett, 1x Voltorb
It is a PTC (Pokemon Trainer Club) account, which is the best way when it comes to buying an account.
You can link Gmail/Facebook/Apple ID to it, or nothing if you wish!
The email address and the trainer name of the account are both changeable.
You will be able to appraise Pokemon once you choose a team (click a gym to choose one).