you can buy in any quantity
Members' statuses are set for real users (online, idle, do not disturb).
Not all members may have a profile photo.
Most incoming members are nitro and boosted.
Members have realistic activities (Spotify, Visual Studio Code, Fivem, etc.).
Members are active 24/7.
Members never log out of the server.
There is no risk of your server or account being shut down.
Your order is processed instantly.
Members have a completely unique name and profile photo, they are different from each other, there are no 2 members with the same name or profile photo.
Suitable for NFT and crypto servers.
It is enough to send the unlimited invitation link of your server from the messages.
Please make sure that your invite link does not change during the sending process.
After purchasing the listing, we will send you a link to add a bot to your server with the sole authority to 'create invites'. This bot will send invitations to members who will come to your server and members will be quickly transferred to your server. After the process is complete, you can remove the bot from your server.